
    Zombies reversus ab inferno, nam malum cerebro.    De carne animata corpora quaeritis. Summus sit, morbo vel maleficia? De Apocalypsi undead dictum mauris. Hi mortuis soulless creaturas, imo monstra adventus vultus comedat cerebella viventium. Qui offenderit rapto, terribilem incessu. The voodoo sacerdos suscitat mortuos comedere carnem. Search for solum oculi eorum defunctis cerebro. Nescio an Undead zombies. Sicut malus movie horror.


    Zombies reversus ab inferno, nam malum cerebro.    De carne animata corpora quaeritis. Summus sit, morbo vel maleficia? De Apocalypsi undead dictum mauris. Hi mortuis soulless creaturas, imo monstra adventus vultus comedat cerebella viventium. Qui offenderit rapto, terribilem incessu. The voodoo sacerdos suscitat mortuos comedere carnem. Search for solum oculi eorum defunctis cerebro. Nescio an Undead zombies. Sicut malus movie horror.

    Zombies reversus ab inferno, nam malum cerebro.    De carne animata corpora quaeritis. Summus sit, morbo vel maleficia? De Apocalypsi undead dictum mauris. Hi mortuis soulless creaturas, imo monstra adventus vultus comedat cerebella viventium. Qui offenderit rapto, terribilem incessu. The voodoo sacerdos suscitat mortuos comedere carnem. Search for solum oculi eorum defunctis cerebro. Nescio an Undead zombies. Sicut malus movie horror.

    Zombies reversus ab inferno, nam malum cerebro.    De carne animata corpora quaeritis. Summus sit, morbo vel maleficia? De Apocalypsi undead dictum mauris. Hi mortuis soulless creaturas, imo monstra adventus vultus comedat cerebella viventium. Qui offenderit rapto, terribilem incessu. The voodoo sacerdos suscitat mortuos comedere carnem. Search for solum oculi eorum defunctis cerebro. Nescio an Undead zombies. Sicut malus movie horror.

    Zombies reversus ab inferno, nam malum cerebro.    De carne animata corpora quaeritis. Summus sit, morbo vel maleficia? De Apocalypsi undead dictum mauris. Hi mortuis soulless creaturas, imo monstra adventus vultus comedat cerebella viventium. Qui offenderit rapto, terribilem incessu. The voodoo sacerdos suscitat mortuos comedere carnem. Search for solum oculi eorum defunctis cerebro. Nescio an Undead zombies. Sicut malus movie horror.

Zombies reversus ab inferno, nam malum cerebro. De carne animata corpora quaeritis. Summus sit, morbo vel maleficia? De Apocalypsi undead dictum mauris. Hi mortuis soulless creaturas, imo monstra adventus vultus comedat cerebella viventium. Qui offenderit rapto, terribilem incessu. The voodoo sacerdos suscitat mortuos comedere carnem. Search for solum oculi eorum defunctis cerebro. Nescio an Undead zombies. Sicut malus movie horror.Cum horribilem resurgere de sepulcris creaturis, sicut de iride et serpens. Pestilentia, ipsa screams. Pestilentia est haec ambulabat mortuos. Sicut malus voodoo. Aenean a dolor vulnerum aperire accedunt, mortui iam vivam. Qui tardius moveri, sed in magna copia sint terribiles legionis. Alii missing oculis aliorum sicut serpere crabs nostram. Putridi odores aere implent.Tremor est vivos magna. Expansis ulnis video missing carnem armis caeruleum in locis. A morbo amarus in auras. Nihil horum sagittis tincidunt, gelida portenta. The unleashed virus est, et iam mortui ambulabunt super terram. Souless mortuum oculos attonitos back zombies. An hoc incipere Clairvius Narcisse, an ante? Is bello mundi z?In omni memoria patriae religionis sunt diri undead historiarum. Golums, zombies et fascinati. Maleficia! Vel a modern perhsaps morbi. A terrenti contagium. Forsitan illud Apocalypsi, vel malum poenae horrifying fecimus. Indeflexus monstra per plateas currere. Fit de nostra carne undead. Poenitentiam agite pœnitentiam! Vivens mortua sunt apud nos.Ut fames cerebro enim carnis, viscera et organa viventium. Sicut spargit virus ad impetum, qui supersumus. Avium, canum, fugere ferae et infecti horrenda monstra. Videmus deformis horrenda daemonum. Panduntur portae inferi. Finis accedens sentio terrore perterritus et taedium. The horror, monstra significant finem

Zombies reversus ab inferno, nam malum cerebro. De carne animata corpora quaeritis. Summus sit, morbo vel maleficia? De Apocalypsi undead dictum mauris. Hi mortuis soulless creaturas, imo monstra adventus vultus comedat cerebella viventium. Qui offenderit rapto, terribilem incessu. The voodoo sacerdos suscitat mortuos comedere carnem. Search for solum oculi eorum defunctis cerebro. Nescio an Undead zombies. Sicut malus movie horror.Cum horribilem resurgere de sepulcris creaturis, sicut de iride et serpens. Pestilentia, ipsa screams. Pestilentia est haec ambulabat mortuos. Sicut malus voodoo. Aenean a dolor vulnerum aperire accedunt, mortui iam vivam. Qui tardius moveri, sed in magna copia sint terribiles legionis. Alii missing oculis aliorum sicut serpere crabs nostram. Putridi odores aere implent.Tremor est vivos magna. Expansis ulnis video missing carnem armis caeruleum in locis. A morbo amarus in auras. Nihil horum sagittis tincidunt, gelida portenta. The unleashed virus est, et iam mortui ambulabunt super terram. Souless mortuum oculos attonitos back zombies. An hoc incipere Clairvius Narcisse, an ante? Is bello mundi z?In omni memoria patriae religionis sunt diri undead historiarum. Golums, zombies et fascinati. Maleficia! Vel a modern perhsaps morbi. A terrenti contagium. Forsitan illud Apocalypsi, vel malum poenae horrifying fecimus. Indeflexus monstra per plateas currere. Fit de nostra carne undead. Poenitentiam agite pœnitentiam! Vivens mortua sunt apud nos.Ut fames cerebro enim carnis, viscera et organa viventium. Sicut spargit virus ad impetum, qui supersumus. Avium, canum, fugere ferae et infecti horrenda monstra. Videmus deformis horrenda daemonum. Panduntur portae inferi. Finis accedens sentio terrore perterritus et taedium. The horror, monstra significant finem

namekelenkwa (ign: sleepy guitarist)
a.k.a."len", or "lenny" if you want to piss him off
agelate thirties-early forties
gendercis male (he/him)
occupationtraveling musician, hired gun
home townluwateninyawawsa (shaaloani, xak tural)

    Kelenkwa almost lived a peaceful life.     he grew up under the protection of luwateninyawawsa, raised by a loving older brother and their village, but something set him astray- he's loathe to talk about it, but it's clear that he's miles away from the energetic boy that the tonawawta elders, a sleepy tonawawta man wanders the plains and deserts of shaaloani, strumming guitar tunes for anyone that'll listen. he seems lazy, preferring a nap over any day's hard work, but when danger rears its head, something changes in his eyes, which betray the intense focus of an experienced gunslinger. And he rarely misses.


    Kelenkwa's body tells a story.    his tanned skin speaks of the hot shaaloani sun, and his nose and cheeks bear its rosy kiss. no amount of naps can cleanse the subtle dark circles under his eyes, and nothing but the reversal of time can smooth the beginning of crow's feet. a thin scar at his jaw suggests the kiss of a blade. overall, combined with short, dark hair and stubble, he strikes the appearance of a rugged traveler.he's maintained a toned, athletic physique built from years of living on the road, and prefers practical clothing with a subtle sense of style. one piece doesn't seem to match, though: a simple woven wristband of orange and turqoise, faded by years of wear.


easygoing: len is highly adaptable, going with the flow without much fuss in most cases. in his words, he's "too old to worry about this and that."amiable: len's easygoing nature makes him easy to get along with, for most. he may lack eloquent words when speaking normally, but he's easy to get along with. he's polite, soft-spoken, and willing to help strangers out.good listener: as a chronicler of tales, len is always interested in hearing others' stories, with little interjection. this instilled him with the patience to listen, to try to understand other's perspectives.lazy: len naps frequently and seems to take his time, unless the situation is dire. this can place him in conflict with more driven/uptight personalities. what's the rush?oblivious: len is bad at picking up subtle social cues. especially romantic ones. sometimes words and meanings can fly over his head, even if he means well.awkward: len may seem smooth when he's strumming a tune on his guitar, but without music, he hasn't quite mastered his charms. this can get him into sticky situations.




  note:   this list of hooks is not exhaustive. I typically prefer to brainstorm up a bespoke arrangement for everyone i roleplay with, so if you have an idea for a hook that isn't on this list, i'd love to hear it!


    wandering minstrel.    len's willing to play a song for anyone willing to buy him a drink or give him a tip. a man needs money to live, after all! his songs, strummed on his trusty guitar, tell stories of the shaaloani plains, tonawawta legends, and various gunfighter ballads. perhaps you heard one of his performances and wish to speak with him, to request another song or give him feedback?


    luwateninyawawsa.    though len hasn't been there in a good twenty years, village residents that are old enough may remember an energetic boy by the name of kelenkwa. or, they may have heard from the village elders. perhaps fellow village members could bond over a chat, or ask why he left? or perhaps circumstances force him to return to the place of his birth, despite his discomfort?


    hired gun.    len is posessed of an unusual aptitude for firearms and fighting ability for such a lazy man. perhaps you'd be interested in utilizing the skills of an experienced gunman?


    collector of stories.    len can never resist hearing a good story. after all, is there any better way for a guy to get song material? ramble away, and he'll gladly listen over a glass of something strong.


    fish out of water.    now that len's wandering tural, plus some areas beyond the salt, he's a bit out of his element. perhaps you can help a lost shaaloani man find his way, and POTENTIALLY make a friend?



those that've lived in shaaloani for years may remember hearing of a tonawawta gunman. rumors say he was the man to talk to if you wanted someone in the dirt and had the money for it. he disappeared about a year ago without a word, but this guitarist seems to match the man's description. could they be one and the same?


the village elders in luwateninyawawsa sometimes speak of a pair of brothers: one docile, and one energetic rascal. they fall quiet on mention of the older brother, but they speak fondly of the younger one, kelenkwa. their voices turn wistful towards the end, though. "it's a shame he up and left. he just wouldn't listen...did he ever get what he wanted?"


for a while, he's been seen traveling with a young hhetsarro (a friend's character). she's grown up into a fine young hunter under his care, it seems, but they're like night and day; it's almost as if she has all the energy he lacks. such a duo isn't easily forgotten.

      KAI - HE/HIM - 21+ - MATEUS (CRYSTAL) - EST      

    Thanks for reading!     I'm a bi trans dude that enjoys writing and RPing in FFXIV, and various other fandoms, especially Bioware games and Cyberpunk. My posts are typically one to two paragraphs long, but I can mirror who I'm RPing with to an extent! I'm usually available in the afternoons and evenings (EST) and can go earlier/later on weekends. I raid twice a week with my static, but I'm glad to work towards finding a time that works for both of us.note: I also roleplay in other fandoms, such as Mass effect and dragon age, and work a full-time job. thus, i'm not always able to dedicate my full time/attention to ffxiv roleplay. i always do my best to communicate when there'll be a delay. please understand and bear with me! if you expect rapid-fire replies on discord or google docs RP, we may not be the best fit.

    looking for:   

  • adventure, drama, action!

  • slice of life (in moderation)

  • character development and long-term plots

  • organic character relationships (whether they be friends, lovers, enemies, etc.)

  • pre-established relationships - let me know on discord and we can talk! I value them as opportunities to drive quality RP between our characters, when done right.

  • grounded stories


  • OOC romantic relationships / flirting

  • any roleplayers under 18. this is for my personal comfort!

  • onscreen non-con and/or gore described in excessive detail

  • permanent death/maiming of my characters (unless I give explicit OOC permission)

  • ERP for the sake of ERP (I don't want to get off or help someone else get off. I just want to tell a good story, and ERP can aid in that when it has a purpose!)